About Us

A brief history

Jamia Islamia Asad ul-Uloom is an NGO registered charity, working with local communities in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India since 2000. Its mission is: ‘To promote & provide quality Secular /Islamic Education for Children.

After seeing the growing population of Muslims, the pious scholars focused their attention on building an institute that would offer a well-organised system for the education and upbringing of young male and female students. The aim of this institute to provide Islamic and secular education.

Therefore, undertaking this great responsibility was Hadhrat Mawlana Mukhtar Asad Sb DB, former teacher at Madrasah Mazahir al-'Uloom, Saharanpur who organised a gathering on Thursday 7th September 2000 in which many great scholars were in attendance including, Hadhrat Mawlana Talha DB (son of Sheikh al-Hadith Hadhrat Mawlana Zakariyya RA), Hadhrat Mawlana Syed Muhammad Salman RA (Former Principal of Jamia Mazahir al-'Uloom, Saharanpur), Hadhrat Mawlana Mufti Abdul Qayyum Raipuri RA, Hadhrat Mawlana Mufti Maqsood DB (Grand Mufti, Mazahir ul Uloom), Hadhrat Mawlana Muhammad Salman DB (Khalifa of Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood ul Hasan Gangohi RA), Hadhrat Mawlana Muhammad Yusuf DB (Principal of Madrasah Rashidiyya, Gangoh), Hadhrat Mawlana Muhammad Khushnud Gangohi DB, Hadhrat Mawlana Sufi Mo'een ud Deen DB, Mawlana Muhammad Qaisar Mazahiri RA (Former Principal of Madrasah Islamiyya Kanz ul Uloom).

These highly respected scholars laid the foundations with their blessed hands for the institute which was named Jamia Islamia Asadul Uloom. Subsequently, Islamic education and basic secular started to take place in temporary makeshift classrooms.

Since 2000 the madrasah has been providing free Islamic and secular education to 250+ students and has 7 members of paid staff including a chef.

You can play a part in the success of the Madrasah and your hereafter, by giving Zakah, Sadaqah and Lillah.

We pray that the Madrasah continues to flourish and serve the Deen for future generations to come. Aameen.

Please keep the Madrasah in your duaas.

Current Madrasah building